Author Archives: Kyler dennison
Carly Cockatoo
428 Walt Disney LN.
Job: Translator
Habitat:My home land is Australia, but I came to America to lead a better life.
Food:I mostly eat seeds and grains. But I LOVE fruits, if you can get me fruits i will remain loyal to this job for the rest of my life.
Predators:I will admit that I am completely scarred of the dang Peregrine Falcons’. I saw one swoop down and eat my brother.
Qualifications: I know many different languages including, English, Dutch, French, German, Spanish, and Chinese.
Migration: I manly migrate for food, but since I am to be a translator I would hope that I would need to travel a lot.
super nova
The worlds in chaos, the sun is about to explode! we got the message from the science community a day ago. But for a long time the sun has not been giving off a lot of light and we all knew what was coming. But the broadcast confirmed that we were all going to die.
no names shall be said for the reason that we don’t have time. you know that the sun is the only star in our solar system? Then you must know that eventually every star dies. most people think that by this time we would be living on other planets. well we were, until the Government got attacked. Then America fell apart and nothing could get it back together. The rest of the world is living far away on distance planets. the milky way galaxy will die leaving a hole in the nebula. For some odd unexplainable reason the moon has disappeared. On the full moon of January it simply vanished. Because of the moons disappearance the spring tide and neap tide stop the water is as calm as can be. China split a couple atoms and blew up the at side of the Earth up(go figure.)
let begin on why the government got attacked. The president,(Mark Clancy) made some bad decisions about national security, and well that is when china started experimenting with nuclear fission and blew them self up. Before they blew the Earth in two pieces, they launched many attacks on the white house. The last attack was a success, they ran the president to another planet! About that time China blew them self up.
All hope was lost until, one day we saw a US space ship fly down and land people steeped out until the president came out!
to be continued!
commensalism: only one organism benefits
parasitism: one organism benefits and the other gets hurt
host:A organism whose immune system has been invaded by a pathogenic organism
ninch: an adaptation to an organism that helps it survive
community: A group of interdependent organisms of different species growing or living together in a specified habitat
ecosystem:a community of species or arganisms that live and work together.
Population: the amount of organisms living in a community
Diversity: a range of different things
Adaptation: a change tho help an organism survive
Decomposer: an organism that feeds off dead organisms